5 Films guaranteed to make you feel festive

Posted on December 24 2014

There are so many Christmas films and their sequels to watch over the festive period, perfect for when you just want to lie on the sofa and indulge in chocolates.  However, this is my first Christmas with a baby, so time to chill out on the sofa is pretty rare! I wanted to make sure I could squeeze in a few Christmas films though, so I put together my top 5 -  the one’s guaranteed to make me feel festive.

5. The Polar Express

I saw this film when it first came out at the cinema in IMAX 3D on Christmas Eve so it’s always guaranteed to take me back to that lovely memory.  It’s got everything a film needs at Christmas including snowy scenes, Father Christmas and the joy and excitement of Christmas morning. A really lovely live action animation film, even if it is a little eerie at times.

4. Home Alone

This is a classic from my childhood and I always remember how amazing the Home Alone house looks all lit up for Christmas.  Obviously the story isn’t incredibly festive – a boy gets left behind from a family holiday and has to deal with attempted burglary of his house!  Still, it’s a slapstick comedy, an absolute classic and set during the Christmas holidays so it gets my vote.

3. Miracle on 34th Street

I was a fan on the 1994 version starring Richard Attenborough and bought the DVD of the 1947 black and white version last year, which I loved just as much. It’s quite a typical tale of a child that questions her belief in Santa Claus, only to find that she should believe in the miracle of Christmas after all.

2.  It’s a Wonderful Life

I was quite surprised when I first saw this film a few years ago at how depressing it is, I suppose it is about a suicidal banker on the edge of ruin though so what did I expect?!  Despite that, this classic Christmas film set in 1940s America shows how everyone should value their worth as we see lead character George Bailey shown exactly what life would be like had he not been around to positively help the lives of many. 


Hands down my most favourite Christmas film EVER! Will Ferrell plays the character of a human raised as a Christmas Elf absolutely brilliantly.  He’s incredibly funny and you feel such warmth for Buddy the elf throughout the story of his trip to New York to meet his real father.  Remember, the best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear!

Have a wonderful Christmas!



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